15 Feb

Windows 10 Bash Integration with Explorer

For many developers moving between development environments, it’s sometimes hard to leave the familiarity of Linux Bash commands. Fortunately, for those using Windows 10, a native Bash shell has made its way into the operating system. If you’re like myself you may have used the shift+right-click context menu to open Command Prompt windows at a specific location while browsing your file system in Windows Explorer. However, there isn’t yet the same thing available to open up the Bash shell at a given location in Windows Explorer.

As such, I’ve put together a simple registry script that adds the necessary entries into the registry to display a context menu when shift+right-clicking in Windows Explorer. You can view the code and run the script by downloading it from my GitHub here. If you’re not a Git user, you may download the zip file here.

Simply run the add_bash.reg file and you’ll be good to go!

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